Interview with a Victorian


Presented by Tricia Kelly, first person interpreter and famed storyteller


754 First St., LaSalle, IL 61301

La description

Ever wonder what it would be like to live in another time?  Wish you could travel back to the ‘good old days’ of the late 19th century?  Think you were born in the wrong era?  Well, think again! Historian Tricia Kelly dons a dress (or two) to bring you an exclusive interview as a Victorian gal and answers your questions about all things Victorian:  childhood, relationships, money, housekeeping, fashion, social functions, motherhood, mourning, death, and everything in-between. It could well change your mind about the ‘Gilded’ Age! Presented by Tricia Kelly, first person interpreter and famed storyteller. Call Lock 16 Cafe for a lunch reservation before the lecture. 815-223-1851
