Pillar Rock, Washington Tour - Tour # 5

La description

Tour length: 3.0hrs, 25 nautical miles

$150 per person, $100 per child (12 years and under)

Boat leaves Astoria Moorage and travels upriver 10 nautical miles to the historic Pillar Rock Cannery, one of the few remaining salmon cannery buildings on the Columbia River. The cannery site was a Lewis and Clark campsite on both legs of their journey and was the site of the first salmon saltery operation on the Columbia River operated by the Hudson Bay Co. in the 1830's. The cannery building that remains started canning salmon in 1877. The site now has vacation rentals in converted fishing family bunkhouses from the salmon canning era, and provides tours of the cannery building for rental patrons. The boat cannot land or unload passengers at the site.

Visites guidées