SSI Enriched Air Nitrox


Tank'd Pro Dive Center Utila


The SSI Enriched Air Nitrox program will teach you how to safely plan and dive with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. Diving with enriched air can increase your no-decompression limits, increase your safety, and reduce the required length of your surface intervals when compared to air. You will earn the SSI Enriched Air Nitrox 32% or 40% certification after completing this program.

The Enriched Air Nitrox program is a certification program in diving that teaches divers to use oxygen-enriched air mixtures to extend the bottom time and reduce the risks associated with diving. This program is beneficial for divers who want to maximize their diving time and explore the underwater world for longer periods.

Benefits of Enriched Air Nitrox Course in the Caribbean
Longer Bottom Time
One of the main benefits of diving with Enriched Air Nitrox in the Caribbean is the ability to spend more time underwater. Enriched air mixtures contain higher oxygen concentrations, which can extend a diver's no-decompression limits, allowing them to spend more time at depth.

Reduced Risk of Decompression Sickness
Using an enriched air mixture with a higher oxygen content reduces the risk of decompression sickness. Decompression sickness occurs when nitrogen is released from the body too quickly, and the oxygen in enriched air mixtures can help mitigate this risk.

Improved Safety
By reducing the risk of decompression sickness, diving with Enriched Air Nitrox in the Caribbean can improve safety for divers. This is especially important for those who dive frequently or spend extended periods underwater.

Greater Dive Opportunities
The Caribbean is home to some of the world's most spectacular dive sites, including colorful coral reefs, shipwrecks, and an abundance of marine life. With longer bottom times, divers can explore these sites in greater detail and see more of the underwater world.

In conclusion, the Enriched Air Nitrox program is a valuable certification for divers who want to extend their bottom time and reduce the risks associated with diving. The Caribbean is an excellent destination for divers who want to take advantage of the benefits of enriched air, with its clear waters and vibrant marine life.

Cancellation Policy

Scheduled Divers:

  • Failure to arrive Scheduled time will result in No-Show cancellation.
  • Failure to Provide Proper Certification information may result in cancellation if proof cannot be found within the scheduled timeframe.
  • Failure to prove self-sufficiency prior to dives (gear setup) may result in cancellation of dives due to lack of necessary beginner skills, this is up to the discretion of our Dive Center Manager.

Tank'd Pro Dive Center Utila is known for providing the uppermost customer service in Utila and ensuring each diver is kept as safe as possible. If any of the above criteria is met, we will be forced to cancel your dives, resulting in a zero refund policy as you have taken the space for another possible diver to join. No-Shows for scheduled dives will also be considered cancellations and no refunds will be processed.
